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About Us

We are an information, Communication and Technology Company with core interest in web development, software solution development, wireless and enterprise solutions.

Our mission is to develop products and resources that will offer convenience to people in the technology driven economy.

Our platform www.mobilesmsng.com is developed so as to offer you opportunity to send SMS to multiple contacts . Below are the benefits you enjoy from MOBILE SMS

Send messages to multiple contacts/group
  1. Fast delivery of messages within seconds
  2. Sender ID branding
  3. Uploading / downloading contacts easily through CSV and txt
  4. Relaibility and cost effectiveness


  1. Message delivery to friends, customers, staffs and members
  2. Vital in the delivery of goodwill messages
  3. Vital in the follow up of new comers and converts(church)
  4. Provide periodical information to parents about their children ins chool
  5. Invitation to special programs/product launch.
We look forward to your patronage.